The event

Meet in Italy for Life Sciences is an initiative of the ALISEI National Technology Cluster for Life Sciences.The event, has been initiated in 2014 by Toscana Life Sciences, Confindustria Toscana, BioPmed, Assobiomedica, Assobiotec, Life Sciences Lombardy Cluster, Assolombarda and ART-ER.

Today Meet in Italy for Life Sciences is the main international event in Italy dedicated to Life Sciences.


Who is it for?

Industrial sector: an important opportunity for debate, meeting and networking for companies and start-ups operating in the life sciences sector.

Public and private research: a unique chance to discuss research activities in the context of the market and the industrial sector.

Investors: an opportunity to knoe the Italian Life Sciences sector, its actors and trends.

Public institutions: an opportunity to fully understand the value and potential of the life sciences sector, in order to build policies that can increase the competitiveness of Italian companies in a complex and competitive international scenario.

Media: an event for catching up on the sector’s latest developments and monitoring emerging trends. An opportunity to meet major national and international figures, important advocates of the life sciences.



Provide visibility and international opportunities to companies, innovative start-ups and other operators in the life sciences sector.

Create an opportunity for discussion between public and private stakeholders in the life sciences sector (Ministries, Regions, sector associations, technology parks, technology districts and other organizations).

Promote business opportunities at multiple levels.

Attract participants from around the world thanks to the involvement and support of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and emphasize the international dimension of the event.

Support the National Economic System in the field of life sciences.

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