IMMAGINA BioTechnology S.r.l

Your proposal in few words

IMMAGINA BioTechnology S.r.l is a company operating in the Genomics, Proteomics, and Enabling Technology sector through research, prototyping, and sales of products and services to global players in the biotech and pharma sectors.


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What is your main purpose and the idea behind it?

The main aim of IMMAGINA BioTechnology S.r.l. is to guarantee new drugs and new biomarkers in all those pathologies where there is an alteration of protein synthesis caused by defects in the functioning of the translational apparatus, and in particular of ribosomes.


How does the Startup Breeding experience help you in the growth and development of your business

Startup Breeding is giving us great visibility, as well as access to a fantastic network of experts in the field!


  • Website

  • Linkedin

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