
Your proposal in few words

CoAImed – Collaborative development of AI-based technologies for Medical applications – is a company founded in May 2021 that operates in the field of artificial intelligence, sensors and biorobotics. CoAImed aims at developing, manufacturing and marketing innovative technological products and services. CoAImed’s Core Team has many years of experience in innovative AI-based ICT solutions for clinical applications. The team includes experts in bioengineering, data analytics, electronics, clinical neuropsychology, healthcare paradigms and innovation management.


What is your main purpose and the idea behind it?

We believe in the right to health and well-being for all. For this reason, we want to encourage the use of innovative healthcare services to improve people’s quality of life by accompanying them on their journey. CoAImed aims to provide doctors and patients with the best support services for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases based on wearable technologies and artificial intelligence algorithms.

The idea is to harness the body-brain interaction, providing clinicians and patients with innovative AI-based tools and skills to support their journey.

CoAImed’s first business idea is WEARnCARE, a decision support tool for neurologists to objectify motor assessment in the diagnosis and management of Parkinson’s disease.


How does the Startup Breeding experience help you in the growth and development of your business

The Startup Breeding experience gives us the opportunity to meet with experts and professionals from various fields who can help us to better understand and resolve certain issues, such as the protection of intellectual property and the procedure for obtaining certification of our device as a medical device. It also gives us the opportunity of specialised mentoring to improve the presentation of our idea to an audience of possible investors.




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