Giuseppe Macino

Professor Emeritus in Cell Biology at Sapienza Rome

Giusepe Macino, Professor Emeritus in Cell Biology at Sapienza Rome, degree in Chemistry, Postdoctor at Columbia University, involved in pioniering research on Mitochondrial genomes, on light induced transcriptional response , on circadian rhythm, and on post-transcriptional gene silencing. Involved in studies on the micro RNA function in leukemia and several type of cancer.  Epigenetics studies on human healty and patological cells.

Director of the Italian Flagship on Epigenomics. Award from President of Italian Republic ( most prestigious award in Italy), International award “Prof.Luigi Tartufari” from Accademia dei Lincei, Award from Levi Montalcini Foundation.

Member of Lincei National Academy, Member of National Academy of Science XL, Member of EMBO: European  Molecular Biology Organization.

Director of School in Bioinformatics at the Sapienza University in Rome.

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